The Good News of Salavation
Good News!
The Bible is a lot of different letters that are put together in one book. They are God inspired and they paint a consistent story. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 First, we see that God created the world and it was perfect.
The Problem
Today, the world doesn’t look perfect in any way. The Bible explains that sin, which is just disobedience to God, fractured the perfect world that God created. – 1 Timothy 2:5 The Bible tells us that the first two people to sin were named Adam and Eve. All of us have genetically fallen in line with them. That means that all of us have sinned as well. – Romans 3:23 Humanity now has a sin problem. This is why we see so many evil things happening in the world today. The Bible also shares that the effect of sin is death. Death was never in God's design, but the fall of humanity caused it. – Romans 6:23
God’s Love
God has loved humanity and regardless of them choosing to rebel against Him, He wanted to redeem humanity. God had a plan and humbled Himself to come to the earth as a man. This man was named Jesus, and He came to redeem humanity. – Luke 19:10
God required perfect blood to pay for sin. Jesus had to have perfect blood to pay for sin. Jesus was born of a virgin and from God. By him doing this he had perfect blood and wasn’t from the lineage of Adam and Eve. While we were still dead in our sins Jesus went to the cross to pay for our sins. Jesus bled on the cross and died in our place. – Romans 5:8
Free Gift
By accepting what Jesus did on the cross we can be saved from our sins. This was a free gift from God that we could not earn or deserve. You can’t work your way to God. This had to be a free gift, there is no amount of money that you could pay or nothing you can do to pay for your sin. It is like a gift on Christmas, you didn’t earn it, but you were gifted it. – Ephesians 2:8-9
How To Get This Free Gift?
So, what do you have to do to accept this free gift? Trust in what Jesus did on the cross paying for your sin. It is the belief that saves you. You don’t have to, but you can pray and thank him. The prayer itself doesn’t save you, but it is simply you telling God the decision you made. Prayer is just talking to God. You can say it in your own words, or you can pray something like this: “God, I admit that I am a sinner. I realize that this sin separates me from You. I believe in You, and I am putting my full faith in You. I confess that I can’t do this on my own. Only You dying on the cross could pay for my sins. And I am trusting You alone to save me. Thank you, God for saving me. Amen.”
Tell Someone
If you for the first-time accepted Jesus you should tell someone. Our church would love to get connected with you and talk to you about the decision that you made. Please email or text or call 717-462-2220 and let us know the decision you have made.
What do you do now?
If you have trusted in Jesus, you are a disciple of Christ. You should want to know your creator. Get into the Bible and learn about it. Get connected with a good Bible believing local Church. There is nothing better than being surrounded with like-minded Christians. Grow in your relationship with Jesus and share with others. Jesus shared the great commission which tells us that we can’t keep this good news to ourselves, we must share it with others.